Should You do a Degree in Digital Marketing?

At a basic technological level, digital communications have been around for decades. The first computers which offered a point to point contact were a rudimentary form of digital communication. However, they were only used by a small number of businesses with access to the then revolutionary technologies. Today, the use of digital communications is prolific and an integral part of any business strategy, and lead to the explosion of jobs in digital marketing.

This concept of digital marketing and communications is a broad one which encompasses a variety of disciplines. These may include blogging, copywriting, mobile marketing, social media and search engine optimization. Despite the growth in the job market, there is a lot of debate about whether shelling out thousands for a degree in the discipline is worth the money. While many graduates end up working in this vibrant, diverse and ever-growing sector, many have qualifications in areas as varied as English, politics and art history.

According to new research, digital marketing is now one of the top 6 kry professions: with good prospects of a high salary and job progression. Despite a marketing degree being a popular choice for budding career professionals, employers have highlighted some of the issues with undertaking this subject. They emphasize a rapidly changing industry and highly variable quality of educational institutions as two of the primary problem. In fact, some even admitted that they were more likely to employ somebody with a degree in English as opposed to somebody with a specific marketing qualification.

It seems that often technical skills are overlooked in favor of confidence at interviews as a recent graduate told the BBC in a recent interview. The articles go onto highlight that despite having formal qualifications, many of the graduates that employers encounter are deficient in areas such as critical thinking, and written and oral communication skills. This flags up a problem between the expectations of recent graduates and prospective employers with a degree falling short of what is needed to crack the job market.

With the ever-increasing fees for formal education, marketing degrees, unlike more streamlined professions such as law and medicine, are one of the areas of contention when it comes to a return on investment. Many cite a better route into the digital world as either hands-on experience or a degree in a more academic subject, moving into marketing upon graduation and taking on an internship.

With the rapid growth of technology, the digital marketing sector is one which will continue to evolve. The most important assets to ensure your survival in this fast-moving world is to stay tech-savvy, interested and engaged in social media and keen to demonstrate your willingness to learn and develop.
