In the RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feeds people will find not only the URL address of the information channel but also links to publishing pages. RSS can be interpreted in three different ways. One is the most common term: Really Simple Syndication, as well as RDF Site Summary and Rich Site Summary.
When a website or blog places new messages on the Internet, they appear automatically regardless of where you sign up for a channel. For users of RSS readers, there is a possibility to track all changes made on the website using RSS subscribed files.
In short, people are using RSS to syndicate or subscribe to a website channel, blog or almost any online media content (not only articles but music, video or almost any other digital medium). Many news sites, blogs and other online publishers combine their content as an RSS feed with anyone who wants to read them.
Instead of online users checking if the site is updated daily, RSS feeds give users the opportunity to simply subscribe to an RSS feed, just like people would subscribe to a newspaper and then read updates from the site provided through RSS feeds in a feed reader.
The easiest way to view RSS content is to use a special program, called feed reader, which automatically downloads the latest news from the Internet. The subscriber of an RSS feed can then directly display the content (included in multiple channels) directly or follow the offered links and read the full message from the linked page.
The only thing users need to do is subscribe to channels in these programs, otherwise, people don’t have to organize anything else because everything happens in one program, it’s a big advantage of this internet communication medium.